28 Years of Winning Cases

Happy Holidays from Global Digital Forensics

Our team at Global Digital Forensics wishes you and your loved ones a wonderful Holiday Season filled with joy and the cherished company of family and good friends.

Twas just before Christmas, and all through the land
Hackers were lurking with a mouse in their hand
Data was secured with exceptional care,
But intruders, unfazed, would still soon be there.

As my admins were nestled all snug in their beds,
Attackers saw dollar signs dance in their heads.
Oh mamma were they drooling, donned in old baseball caps,
They found what they wanted ... security gaps!

When over my speakers arose such a clatter,
A notification beckoned, something was the matter.
They had found a weakness, an outdated version of Flash,
Which they planned to exploit and rake in some cash.

So while moonlight was glistening on the new-fallen snow
They gained admin privileges, and to all levels below.
When, what to my frightened eyes should appear,
A number I wrote down, and happened to keep near.

I called Global Digital Forensics, and they were lively and quick,
I knew in a moment, I had made a great pick.
More rapid than eagles they sprang into action,
Trying to stop the intruders before they gained any traction!

I was nervous and sweating, and the clock seemed to fly,
If my customers were affected, I'd just want to die
For this was MY business, and it had just started to thrive.
But I knew the costs of a breach could be hard to survive.

But the responder calmed me, he praised my quick thinking,
So I regained my composure that had been rapidly sinking.
Remotely he started, with their grand DBRT,
Using practiced precision to help rescue me

I hung up the phone as he deftly worked,
Identifying problems wherever they lurked.
Attackers had used the exploit to install a new RAT,
And had control of our network from where they were at.

He found it, stopped it and then found a lot more
It seems that our network had a wide open door
Identify, eradicate and prevent reinfection,
That's what he did during his skilled intervention

And then, in a twinkling, I heard the phone ring
My data was safe, they hadn't stolen a thing.
After a sigh of relief, I sank into my chair,
With still most of my fingernails, and most of my hair.

But Christmas was saved, thanks to GDF's excellent work
They had saved me from feeling like an incompetent jerk
His last words stuck with me, as I reached for the light,
"Happy Christmas to you, now have a good-night!"

Our offices will be closed on Thursday, December 25th, 2014 for Christmas and Thursday January 1st for New Year's Day. But, in the event you do experience a cyber incident, fear not, you are not alone. GDF will have Emergency Incident Response Teams on call 24/7 throughout the holiday season to assist with any cyber intrusion or data breach emergency should the unthinkable occur. Simply call us at 1-800-868-8189, and we'll be ready to guide you through it.

Enjoy the festivities, stay safe and may this holiday season usher in the best year ever.

Happy Holidays,

You team at Global Digital Forensics

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