Social Network Forensics

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28 Years of Winning Cases

Forensic  of  Social Networking Activities: Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, etc.

Social Networking posts (Facebook, Linked In), Twitter posts, collaborative software activity, etc., are all potential sources of evidence and are all increasingly used in investigation and litigation as a means of providing subject movement mapping, establishing relationships, etc. Often erased emails, tweets, etc., can be recovered from servers, computers and mobile devices, so forensic options exist beyond what one can see in the in-box.

Types of Information Recoverable

The world of social networking has been expanding exponentially for the last few years. With social networks like Facebook facilitating users around the world to connect, play games and send messages, a full blown sub-culture has emerged. Facebook users commonly upload private pictures, post details of their daily lives and keep the world informed of their movements, thoughts, good deeds and indiscretions, all while building extremely detailed relationship maps.

It's more than just Facebook, LinkedIn maps relationships with professionals, with those relationships available to be viewed and dissected, as are Twitter "tweets" and a plethora of other open forums for discussion available today on the World Wide Web.

While this information is in abundance, it is also very fragile and can became tainted or lost with a single mouse click. Global Digital Forensics has the technology and background to extract, preserve and present this sometimes vital information, always using defensible and accepted tools and techniques. It is common sense that social networking has become an evidentiary component that is foolish to ignore. GDF can help you take full advantage of this sizable realm of potentially crucial evidence.

Correlating Information

Collected emails, and other communications can yields documentation that can be correlated by date, subject, recipient or sender, can and yield a highly understandable and easy to follow map of events, movements  and entities. Global Digital Forensics has the ability to correlate large amounts of data into understandable and easy to follow presentations, using specialized tools to link entities, dates, times and events while  maintaining the highest standards of forensic integrity.

Software Solutions

Another way to approach the problem of obtaining forensic information regarding email, etc., is to concentrate on the human user. User activity monitors are software systems that allow companies to monitor and store data about user activity.

Expert Witnessing

GDF has provided expert witnesses in a wide range of civiil and criminal legal proceedings. For more information regarding expert tech witnesses please click here.

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